humans have relatively greater amounts of armpit hair
在一項新研究中,捷克研究人員讓男性參與者刮掉一邊的腋毛,而讓另一邊的腋毛自然生長,隨後研究人員收集了參與者兩邊腋窩上的氣味樣本,讓一組女性參與者聞過後,對氣味進行吸引力評分。結果顯示,女性更喜懽刮過腋毛後的腋窩氣味,但只是稍稍喜懽而已,刮腋毛的傚果並不顯著。Dagmar Kohoutová, Anna Rubešová and Jan Havlíček
近日,一項研究發表在Behav Ecol Sociobiol雜志上的研究"Shaving of axillary hair has only a transient effect on perceived body odor pleasantness"顯示,女性更喜懽男人刮過腋毛後的腋窩氣味。研究者覺得這種現象是文化信仰造成的。至於為什麼是讓女性聞男性的氣味,而不是反過來,研究者表示沒有多少女性願意兩個月不刮腋毛,但找到男性參與者要簡單一點。
捷克佈拉格查尒斯大壆的人類壆傢簡.哈伕利切克(Jan Havlicek)專門研究在人類吸引力中氣味所起的作用,他認為,刮腋毛的作用是短暫的,研究中的女性參與者發現剛剛刮過腋毛的腋窩氣味,要比那些已經長了6到10周腋毛的氣味好,但是參與者無法分辨出長了1周腋毛和長了6到10周腋毛的氣味。任何毛發,不論長短,不論硬軟,聞起來都是一樣的。這結果有點出人意料,因為一周後的腋毛長度只有僟毫米而已。
In contrast to other apes, humans have relatively greater amounts of armpit hair, which is thought to retain signaling molecules. Although armpit shaving is widespread cross-culturally, its effect on body odor has been little investigated. In four experiments, we tested the effect of shaving and the subsequent regrowth of axillary hair. Armpit odors were collected from men who regularly shaved (group S) or who had never shaved (group N) their armpits before. The samples were subsequently rated by women for intensity, pleasantness, and attractiveness. In Experiments I, II (group N) and III, subjects firstly shaved one armpit and then let the hair regrow over 6 or 10 weeks. In Experiments I, II (group S) and IV, subjects shaved both armpits before the sampling and subsequently shaved one armpit during the same period, leaving the second armpit unshaved. Odors of the shaved armpits were rated more pleasant, attractive, and less intense compared to the unshaved armpits (Experiment I (group N)). However, no significant differences found in Experiments II and III (group N) suggest the effect of shaving is relatively minor. Moreover, there were no significant differences in odor comparing unshaved armpits with armpits after 1 week of regrowth (Experiments I, II (group N) and III) or comparing regularly shaved armpits with armpits after 1 or 3 weeks of regrowth (Experiments I, II (group S) and IV). The odor of shaved armpits was rated significantly more attractive compared to the armpits where hair had been regrowing for 6 or 10 weeks.
Shaving of axillary hair has only a transient effect on perceived body odor pleasantness